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Dog Walking in Charlotte NC

Did you know that along with my dog photography business, I also run a dog walking and pet sitting company? See Spot Run Charlotte was started on April 4, 2009. Today is my 10th anniversary.

See Spot Run services the Southpark area in Charlotte NC. We are a team of 4 dog walkers and every Monday - Friday, we get to take pups out for a midday walk while their owners are at work.

It all began ten years ago today, when I started my first pet sitting job. The dog was a golden retriever named Mojo. I visited him multiple times during the day at his house and one of those visits each day was actually a dog running visit.

Mojo was a younger, energetic golden so giving him some extra exercise was a really fun visit for him. And for me too.

Mojo taught me several things:

  1. Always carry more poop bags than you think you’ll need. Sometimes they have have holes and you’ll need a backup bag.

  2. Dogs that run always poop. Sometimes twice (see #1.)

  3. When running with a dog, run in an area that has trash cans. Carrying a poop bag while running isn’t ideal! ha

When I first started See Spot Run, I would blog about my pet sitting visits. My clients could go on my website and read about my visits with their dogs while they were traveling.

Want to see a really embarrassing blog post I wrote back in 2009 about Mojo? Click here. This was years before I got into photography and had any idea what I was doing with a camera. I know I didn’t need to say that…. it’s obvious!

I am grateful to all of my dog walking and pet sitting clients over the years. Thanks to all of you who live in 28210, 28226 and 28209- the areas in Charlotte we service.