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Dogs Wearing Christmas Hats

I know dogs wearing hats isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I happen to love them though. Perhaps because I never had kids, I like a dressed up dog? Maybe. Or Maybe I just think it’s cute.

I have a stash of dog hats, headbands, and snoods. I occasionally take these items with me on photo shoots just in case I meet a dog that doesn’t seem to mind wearing them.

I find that dogs react in one of 3 ways to wearing something on their heads:

  1. Some dogs don’t seem to mind at all. They’ll pose wearing the hat all day long.

  2. Some dogs will leave it on but you can tell they’re not happy about it.

  3. Some dogs will immediately shake it off. And with many of these dogs, the hat is immediately in the dog’s mouth. LOL

I would like a dog of my own that is #1. Molly is #2 (the evidence is below) and Moose was totally #3.

As it gets close to Christmas, I always take a variety of Christmas items so this time of year I am always creating some new holiday themed photos.

Here are some a few photos from this year.

Can you tell which one Molly is? There are a few that don’t look so happy and I appreciate them tolerating my antics. They were paid handsomely with treats.

This is a blog circle and next up is Seattle Dog Photographer, Holly Cook, shares 8 Reindog Games you can play with your dogs this Christmas. Our theme this week is Christmas so make your way around the circle to see what everyone has to say. You know you’re going to see some cute dogs and read some heartfelt stories.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.