BLANK SLATE - Dog Photography 52 Week Project: Week 1

Blank slate is the theme for the dog photography 52 week project in week 1. If you're a dog photographer and you're new to the 52 week project, welcome. It's a great group and I love participating in this every week although I might not participate every week this year. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss a week last year but I'm going to cut myself some slack this year and be okay if I miss a week every now and then.... I think. 

Here's a bit about me: My name is Kim and I discovered photography late in life. I bought my first camera in 2014 when my black lab Buddy had a health scare. I wanted to make sure I captured some nice photos of him and I thought if I bought a nice DSLR, I'd be a professional photographer. I was sooo naive. I had no idea there was much to learn about photography. 

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Kim Hollis Comments

This is Willow, our 13 year old yellow lab who passed away unexpectedly on December 15th. She was my 4th lab. I've said goodbye to 3 others before her but this time was different. Different for a lot of reasons.

7 years ago we weren't looking for another dog. I got an email from one of my neighbors about a 5 year old "white" lab that needed a new home.

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