LOW ANGLE - Dog Photographer Project 52: Week 20

I'm involoved in a weekly dog photographer called project 52 and our theme this week is low angle. I don't ever do a session without being at a low angle so this one might be the easiest themes we've ever had AND I'm in Colorado so I had the opportunity to get low and put the dog up high a lot! 

If you've not been to Colorado, it is a wonderful place for photography. To have all of the open space, big skies and the mountains in the background has been amazing. 

Here are two shots I took from a low angle when I photographed this cutie pie named Good Golly Miss Molly. She is 18 months old and was very curious about all the sounds I was making. I am immersed in my Breckenridge workshop so Maggie will get a proper longer blog soon!

This is a blog circle and next up is Browning Photo Dog Photography in Columbus, Ohio. Be sure to click the links at the end of each post and you'll end up right back here.