Colorful: Dog Photography Project 52: Week 22
Not the most colorful photo in the world but this scene is more colorful now than it was 2 months ago. It's the Moooooose!
Our 52 week project theme this week is colorful. It is late spring in Charlotte so guess what colorful in the land of the trees means? Lots of GREEN.
Most of you probably know I have a dog walking business ( which is my full time job. Recently two of my neighbors came on board to help me with dog walks so we want to find more dog walking customers. One of them is creating a flyer for me so I wanted to take some photos to use on the flyer. I figured I'd incorporate this week's theme into the photos too.
We were in my neighborhood so we made the best with what we had. The definition of colorful is 'having much or varied color; bright.' Sooooo maybe I am taking liberties with this one. Brown and green aren't really what I'd describe as varied in color or bright but Moose had fun.
He more than willingly volunteered for the job. He is always up for getting out of the house regardless of the reason why.
On a positive note, we did a photo or two that I can use for the flyer.
I was using my duck call and Moose got excited when he heard it. He started running.
Moose of course got a little bored with the standing around so eventually he sat and then gave up and totally reclined. I had Tiffany roll up his leash so you can see him name, then she had to move pine straw out of the way. Moose waited patiently, paws crossed and all. The photo just below this is one when I made a noise Moose particularly found interesting and darted over to me, pulling Tiffany the whole way. Crazy 90lb dog!
This is a blog circle and next up is Darlene with Pant the Town Pet Photography serving MA and NH. Be sure to click the link at the bottom of each blog post to see each photographer's take on our theme colorful.