DETAILS: Dog Photography 52 Week Project: Week 36
The theme for week 36 is details. I participate in a dog photography 52 week project and each week we are given a theme to take photos of and write a blog post. If you're here for the first time, welcome.
Alex. He makes me laugh. He is either super lovey and sweet like this or he is on guard barking at every sound he hears. LOL!
For those of you who don't know, my "fulltime" job is dog walking and pet sitting. ( For those who might not have followed my blog, you might not know that a couple of months ago I got a new lens.
I have always loved close up shots. Really close. Before I got into photography I didn't know that to produce these types of images, having a macro lens really helps. In July I purchased a 105mm macro lens. I also learned that Nikon actually calls their "macro" lenses "micro." Don't ask me why. I still call it a macro lens because I feel like no one will know what I'm taking about or they'll think I'm confused if I say 105mm micro.
Anyhoo, I love this lens. Like LOVE this lens.
When I am pet sitting with Alex pictured above and George pictured below, I spend the night at their house. I basically dog sit and house sit so in between dog walks we hang out on the couch. I kept my camera close by and was able to capture these photos of them. I have more photos too... I just don't have time to edit them.
I love the details of a macro lens. If you like close up photos and you're one of the photographers in the group reading this, I highly recommend putting it on your wish list.
I do need to figure out how to incorporate the lens into my normal sessions. I have an advantage because of my pet sitting and getting to use it then. If anyone has any suggestions on using it at a normal dog photography session, let me know. I'd love to get more detailed shots to show to my photography clients.
This is George and trust me, he is even sweeter in person than he looks in this photo.
This is a blog circle. At the bottom of each post is a link to the next photographer's blog. Click the link this link Linda of DogShotz Photography serving the Indianapolis Indiana area to see what she writes about our theme details.
Prayers for everyone in the path of #hurricaneirma.