Editing Dog Photos in Photoshop

Every photographer I know uses photoshop.

Photoshop is useful in so many ways and one of them is editing the leash out of the photos. If you’ve seen other blog posts of mine, I’ve written about this before.

If you think your dog can’t be photographed because I never post photos of dogs on leash, guess what? I edit the leash out of the final photo.

These are two before and after photos so you can see the original with the leash and the final photo with the leash edited out.

This was a very well behaved dog so we used a leash that I have. It’s actually a slip lead used when showing dogs in the ring. It is very thin and it’s really easy for me to edit out the entire leash, even the collar part.

I have 4 of these leashes. I choose the leash color that most closely matches the color of the dog. I have white, light brown, dark brown, and black.

If you look closely, you can barely see the white leash around the dog’s neck in the original photo. In the final edited version of the photo, it totally disappears.

Did you notice anything else about the final photo? Look closely.

What I did doesn’t work on every photo but in this case it did. I opened the dogs eyes. It was either bright outside or I caught her mid-blink but she’s squinting in the original photo. Editing the eyes makes a huge difference, right?

Photoshop is an amazing tool for editing photos. It’s taken me years of practice and experience to have the advanced skills that I have to edit eyes like this.

Still not sure if your dog is a good candidate for a photo shoot, reach out. Let’s talk about it.