Getting that picture perfect dog photo

Would you like to have your dogs photographed but are concerned they might not behave or won’t sit still long enough to pose? I understand your concern and want to explain how I am able to get that picture perfect photo.

A lot of the dogs I photograph aren’t trained. These three cuties are Peanut Butter, Tater Tot and Jelly Bean. They have gone through professional training.

But dogs will be dogs.

Here are a few things that help me get the picture perfect photo:

  1. I understand dog behavior. Nine years ago I started a dog walking and pet sitting business. I am around a lot of different types of dogs with different backgrounds so I’ve experienced a lot of different behaviors.

  2. I watch your dog’s body language and I know how to react to him to make him feel comfortable and have fun.

  3. Patience is required. Photographing dogs takes patience. A lot of it and I have all the patience in the world when I’m behind the lens, photographing your dog.

  4. Photography Assistants are key. Having extra sets of hands is super helpful. Ideally having one assistant per dog PLUS one assistant right beside me.

  5. Did I mention patience? This attribute really is the key. Patience is a must for me, for the pet parent and for the photography assistants.

Look at the photo above again. Here are a few other photos I took en route to getting the final image.

Trying to get the dogs to pose. THIS is what it’s really like.

Not only do the dogs all need to be looking… but I have to be careful not to cut off the dog’s paws too!

This one was close…..

I love doing this. All parts of this.

If you try to take photos of your own dog and don’t love the results, I get it. The struggle is real. :) Taking photos of multiple dogs together increases the struggle exponentially.

Want to know if I show my clients some of the outtakes, yes! I will show you some of the outtakes too because I think they’re funny!

Keep an eye on my instagram page for one of my favorite outtakes from my holiday photos at Social Pet.

Like what you see? Contact me to book your session. 704-340-4105 or