Juxtaposition: Pet Photography Week 52 Project, week 41
Our week 52 project this week is on juxtaposition. Juxtaposition is putting together elements that contrast with one another conceptually. The example in our book is a photo of a man reading the Koran with a cell phone in his lap.
Below are Jack and Baxter, life long friends. If someone saw the 2nd photograph out of context, they might think these two dogs don't like each other.
BFFs Jack and Baxter. They used to play together all the time when they both lived in Charlotte.
I thought about what I could do to show juxtaposition in a photograph. Our instructions said we could create the juxtaposition in one photo or two separate photos and compare them. (This 2nd option I knew would be much easier.) We've had a few behavior issues with the crazy Moose lately so I thought about trying to capture his wild and crazy side in a photo and then post a photo of him sprawled out sleeping. Sometimes I wonder how it can be the same dog. However my life got a little crazy so that project never happened.
I had a BARKography photo session on Tuesday with a 10 year old chow mix named Baxter. Baxter used to live in Charlotte but now he lives in St Augustine Florida. His parents are friends with one of my neighbors and after I photographed my neighbor's dog Jack, Baxter's parents wanted to have a photo session for Baxter.
I was hoping to get to Florida to do the session but they were going to be in Charlotte sooner than I could get to Florida so we scheduled the session. I did a private photo shoot for Baxter at a park in the morning and we met up again in the evening again with Jack and his mom.
For someone who doesn't know dogs and saw this photo, they might not think the dogs are having fun. Trust me, they were having fun! I snapped the photo above after they'd been playing and were catching their breath. In this photo, Baxter looks mean - quite a contrast from his smile in the photo above.
This is a blog circle and up next is I Got The Shot Photography, Northeastern PA Pet Photographer Elaine Tweedy. Be sure to check out her blog post on juxtaposition. Keep clicking the links at the end of each post and you'll end up right back here.