Pet Photography Project 52 - week 34: Moments
I saw the title of our week 34 challenge, moments and knew I'd have have plenty of them to post about this week. I am in Cannon Beach Oregon. I've never been here before but I've seen pictures. Perhaps you have too of Haystack Rock. I have so many photos to post but I've not had enough time to edit. I can only imagine how editing these Cannon Beach images once I'm home is going to make me feel. #ineedtoliveonthewestcoast #leavingbreaksmyheart
I am quickly writing this as I need to check out and get on the road in 8 minutes. I will leave you with these moments. More to come, I promise and I'll write a proper post about my time in Cannon Beach.
The timing of this moment: capturing Hailey as she is coming out of the water and the spray from her wagging tail.
One of my favorite moments: This is the face you get from Hailey when she hears a duck call for the first time. :)
This girl loves sticks and I love her ears in this shot. Timing was everything in getting her ears up like this in the shot.
Next up in the blog is Northeast PA Pet Photographer, Elaine Tweedy of I Got the Shot Photography. Click the link at the end of each post to see the moments captured by the other dog photographers this week.