Photographing Dogs in Sunflowers this July and August

One of my favorite things to do is photograph dogs in fields of flowers. For those of us in Charlotte NC, we are lucky to have a couple of sunflower fields near us.

The fields bloom in July or August.

The blooms only last for 10-14 days typically. After that, they dry up and wilt in the hot summer heat and humidity.

I always book client sessions in the sunflowers. Please reach out if you’re interested in booking a photoshoot this year.

If you’d like to attempt the photos yourself, here are a few tips:

  1. Don’t go midday unless it’s a cloudy or overcast day. Taking instagram worthy photos in midday, bright sunlight in a sunflower field is really hard even for pro photographers. Your cell phone will struggle and there won’t be much you can do in editing to help.

  2. Try to get an idea of how tall the sunflowers are prior to showing up. Then think about how tall your dog is. Last year the sunflower field in SC had flowers that were taller than me. Luckily the first time I was there last year, I was photographing a tall great dane. If I’d had a shorter dog, all you’d see in the photos are the flower stems.

  3. Take something your dog can sit on. Make certain it’s something sturdy and make certain your dog is comfortable sitting on it. Taking photos of your dog looking terrified will defeat the purpose.

  4. Bring someone with you to help. You’ll need someone to hold your dog’s leash and help you carry whatever you’re going to use to elevate your dog.

  5. Most importantly: be patient and make certain your dog has fun. Take treats and reward him for his work. Depending upon the dog and your photography skill level, it can take several (SEVERAL) attempts before you get a decent photo.

If this sounds like too much work and you’d like photos you can proudly share on Instagram and display in your house, hire me. I LOVE photographing dogs in the sunflowers.

Kim Hollis2 Comments