Soft: Week 25 Dog Photography 52 Week Project
Soft is the theme for week 25 of our 52 week dog photography project. (Seriously how can it already be week 25?) Since I photograph dogs, the first thought that came to mind when I heard our theme this week was soft fur and soft velvety ears. When I think of those things, I think of this dog.
Her name is Delilah. She is a 2.5 year old cockapoo. Her fur is incredibly soft. I meet a lot of dogs and believe me when I say it is like touching cotton.
When you have a squeaker in your hand and you squeeze it, this is the head tilt you get from Delilah! I about died!!!
She recently got her summer cut so her hair is shorter now. When her fur grows out and she is "fluffy", she gets these great ringlets and they're like velvet. When she runs they bounce. I've said this before... I have the best job ever. My clients make me smile every day and Delilah is one of those clients.
I get to see her every week while her mom and dad are at work. I'm not usually there the best time of day to catch great light for photographs but we had a completely overcast day this week so I grabbed my camera with the goal of getting a few photos of "D" as I call her for short.
She had her harness on the entire time we were out. She wears a harness when I walk her because she has a tendancy to lunge and bark at cars as they go past. Safety is my #1 goal as a dog walker so the harness is a must.
Another thing about her: she has a fluffy tail. Apparently most cockapoo breeders dock their tails but this breeder doesn't. I love (LOVE) her tail. Don't you?
This is a blog circle so it is time you move on to the next blog and say goodbye to Miss Delilah. She'll probably make an appearance here again because I love her (and her sister Lucca but Lucca is a little more camera shy.) Next up is Rochelle from Dark Sapphire Pet Photography, Nelson, New Zealand . Be sure to click the link at the bottom of each post to see other blog posts on the topic "soft."