Tank the Bulldog

Things happen for a reason… I truly believe that.

I rarely go uptown but I decided to attend the CLT Shout event and I took my camera. While walking around, I spotted an old dog. Those of you who know me, know I have a really soft spot for the old ones.

I learned that his name was Tank and I asked if I could take a photo of him. I took two. I gave the couple my card and told them to reach out to me if they were interested in seeing the photo. I posted his photo on my Instagram page and they reached out to me.

They inquired about booking a session and during our conversation, I offered them my special “CARE” session for dogs in poor health. I was headed out of town in 4 days so we booked the session for when I returned.

Two days later I got a call from Tank’s mom and she said he wasn’t doing well. She wasn’t sure he’d make it until I returned from my trip. We scheduled the session for the next morning.

Providing photos like these to pet parents who love their dog and know his days are numbered is one of the greatest gifts I can give to anyone. I receive many texts of thanks from his parents. I also received one just a few days after our session letting me know they’d said goodbye to him.

RIP sweet Tank. I’m so glad we met and thanks for all the love you shared with me.