One in a Million Heart Dog and a Beloved Classic Truck

One of my goals in 2022 is to do more personal photography projects. These projects allow me to experiment and ultimately grow as a photographer.

My first project involved this beautifully trained, happy, yellow lab and a classic truck. King is that one in a million dog, his dad’s heart dog and this truck was everything I had envisioned too. Even down to its color.

I’ve signed up for a 6 month challenge with other dog photographers around the world through Unleashed Education called Embark. Every two weeks we are given a topic and we have to come up with a vision, create a photo, and submit an entry.

The entries are judged and a Top 20 and Top 10 list are selected.

If this sounds familiar, last year I participated in “Emerge” the first challenge launched by Unleashed Education. It was harder than I thought it would be and I learned a lot; maybe more about myself than about photography.

So I’m giving it another go, this time with a different perspective.

My goals for the next 6 months with the challenges are to:

  1. Have fun

  2. Create a concept or vision I’ve not tried before

  3. Learn from the feedback, not only on my photos but the other photographer’s photos

  4. Support the other photographers in the group with my comments and feedback. Maybe even make a few new photographer friends.

  5. Maybe not be so hard on myself if I don’t create judge worthy work every time.

Our first topic of the Emerge Challenge was “Framed.”

It is winter in Charlotte. Everything is pretty brown and lifeless so I decided to create an urban photo. I had the idea of finding a dog and a cool car and taking photos of the dog sitting in the driver’s seat, framed by the window.

Behind the scenes / pullback photo of yellow labrador King in a International Harvester Travelall classic truck

I put out a model call on my Instagram for a dog and a car. Here’s the post. A woman who answered a model call last year sent me photos of her husband’s truck and her son’s dog.

They were exactly what I wanted but I wondered if I create the vision I had in my head.

King the yellow labrador retriever and this 1964 classic International Harvester Travelall Truck exceeded my expectations.

I even surprised myself. I created my vision. I am over the moon happy with these images.

Now it’s on to challenge #2 which is “Spaced Out” and creating an image with negative space. Wish me luck, I’m meeting up with a bernese mountain dog on a golf course. Be sure to follow my Instagram page if you want to see my photos from each challenge.

If you’re a photographer and you’re interested in learning more about the Unleashed Education challenges, here’s the information on joining Embark. Click here if you want to see the Framed Top 10 blog post and whether or not my entry made the list. You can also read the feedback on each image that was selected.

If you live in the Charlotte area and you have a well trained dog that can be off leash and you’d like for me to consider him/her for one of these challenges, please let me know. You can email me or fill out the contact page on the website.

This is a blog circle and next up is Carol Mudra of Apawture Studios in Milan, sharing a fun and simple Spa Water recipe to help your pup feel a little "extra!" Click this link and read through Carol’s post. At the bottom of her post will be the link to the next photographer. Once you’ve completed the circle you’ll be back here at the BARKography blog.

Kim Hollis14 Comments